Learning Cycle 2 Reflection

During this learning cycle, I learned that there is more to writing than just sentences within paragraphs, within stories. I learned that by the use of poetry you could express yourself in whichever way you see fit. With poems, you do not need to follow the basic English rules of grammar, specifically when dealing with concrete poems. This cycle also helped me realize that poems could be more than just rhyming verses and do not even need to rhyme at all. Besides the whole poetry aspect, I was taught different writing tools that I could apply across the board to give a certain mood or feeling to my work.

I chose to redo writing prompt 2. I chose to redo this because I felt like I have developed enough through this cycle to apply certain aspects that I have picked up to further develop this piece. I liked my prompt 2, but I feel as though it did not accomplish what I had intended for it to do. When developing this piece, I played with certain tools and even went out of my comfort zone and added a little Easter egg in the piece at the end. While some people liked the second person within my prose piece, Mrs. did a great job explaining how it typically is not used in a prose unless it was absolutely intentional. I chose to keep it in for my final draft because I wanted to make it my own, and for it to differ from a typical prose piece. On top of that, it was only in the beginning of the piece to add an effect and make you read between the lines and think deeper into my piece. I feel like writing is not all about rules and instructions, it is what you make of it and only you know how it was intended. Make it your own and be creative.

The most beneficial part in my eyes about learning cycle 2, is it made me stare my fear straight in the eyes and made me more comfortable in this section of writing. I have always hated poetry and dreaded touching on it at any time. This cycle showed me it was not all that bad, and it was quite fun when you got into the mood. It also helped teach me different ways of setting certain moods which will definitely help later on in future pieces whether it be poetry or not. I also liked to see how everyone else interpreted each prompt slightly differently and had a different outlook on things. Once again referring to Mrs. and another student on my final draft. I am excited to start cycle 3 and seeing what it brings to the table!

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